Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You know I have always said this is a journey and sometimes it feels like it is all up hill and you wonder if you will ever make it to the top.

Persistance and belief in yourself and the fact that YOU deserve this just as much as anyone else. Take it, it IS yours ... just waiting. I wish there were easy answers to the times that we struggle but if that were the case we would not have an issue with our weight and health in the first place.

I TRULY believe with all of my heart that each and every one of us has what it takes to make it to the goals we set out for ourselves. I also know that there is not a single person that won't run into periods of time that make us doubt ourselves and our abilities.Sometimes we will feel like warriors ready to take on any fight and bypass any temptation ... feeling invincable, with our goal solidly in sight. Knowing there is not a single thing that can make us stray from what we want so bad.

Other times we wonder who we were ... thinking the goal we set out was an impossible fairytale and that we should just resign ourselves to the fact that our visions were too lofty and we were crazy to think it was ever within our grasp.THAT is BULL!!!! Do you know the thousands of times I questioned myself in 2008 as I worked toward my goals .... I had doubts and almost didn't enter the monthly contest because I thought "Audrey, who do you think you are?" I thought there was too much competition.

After winning the monthly, it brought on a whole new set of doubts and fears. I knew that to even become a contender I would have to push myself beyond what I ever thought possible. I would have to keep shoving those thoughts to the back of my head and replace it with "Why not me?" "Why not?" I knew the very worst that would happen is I would get in the greatest shape of my life and learn a whole new level of what I was made of.

BUT, my biggest motivator was the disappointment I would feel by leaving less than what I was capable of in the workout room. Knowing that I was worth every ounce of sweat I left on the floor. That I was worth every aching muscle. I totally deserved and still do deserve that feeling of pride and the gratification of a job well done every time I walk out of that workout room or come back from a run or ride ...... all drenched in sweat knowing that I can NEVER get a moment back. Each and every moment wasted is one you cannot get back.

Do it NOW!!!

Wow!! I really need to get off this soap box before I fall and hurt myself! I just want all of you reap the rewards you so greatly deserve!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

When the going gets tough ......

Most of us have been there. You start a new workout and diet program and the first few weeks are great!!! Your goals are firmly in place. Your mind is clearly focused on those goals. Your reasons are clear and your motivation is unwavering.

So what the heck happens? Why is it that your crystal clear vision and unbreakable spirit from a couple of weeks ago is suddenly so foggy?

This is when you start 2nd guessing yourself yet again as to whether you really can achieve something that you have fallen short of reaching every single time you have attempted it.

We allow our mind to start nudging (or pushing) us closer and closer onto the mentally defeating merry-go-round that allows us to believe that we are just not capable of doing it, that we are destined to be the way we are and even convince ourselves that we are ok with it.

Let me ask you this? At WHAT point did you decide that you were not worth fighting for. This battle is between you and YOU. You can blame all of the outside influences and interruptions but the bottom line is ... it is all up to YOU!

Sound harsh? Sound too simplistic? It may seem that way on the surface, but think about it. You and I have all met, heard or read about people that have done extra ordinary things under incredibly difficult circumstances. What made them decide that they could accomplish what they dreamed of? What clicked in their mind to allow them to believe it was possible? What did they store in their arsenal that kept them from giving up when the road got lonely and tough?

That are as many answers for those questions as there are people out there fighting for change in their lives. How are you going to find yours? I mean you have THOUGHT you had many times over but yet you keep finding yourself in the same spot over and over again.

It takes you moving beyond the personal lip service you have been giving yourself to you having a real heart to heart with yourself instead. 90% of the people out there will be running around in the same self defeating pattern for the rest of their life. They will never achieve what they want so badly in their heart because they have allowed their spirit to be broken by never truly believing it was possible to have something different.

So who do you think you are that you are so special that you deserve to succeed? THAT is the question you need to answer. Why don't you deserve it? Why shouldn't you finally break through those mental and physical barriers that have kept you from achieving your dreams?

We can all find the excuses. We never have to look far for the negative influences in our lives BUT we do have to work a little harder to seek out the positive, uplifting things and people in our lives that fill us up instead of dragging us down.

Does that mean you toss away what we know? Absolutely not. However, it will most likely require you to re-define a few relationships with things and people in our lives. There are people and things in your life that are keeping you from achieving your goals, the first person you need to get face to face with is yourself.

When you get home or the alarm goes off and don't feel like doing your workout it is YOU and only you that can keep you from getting it done. Kids, family, chores, blaaaah, blaaaah, blaaaah .... just STOP that dance with yourself already and figure it out. If you want it bad enough, there is always a solution.

When you have planned well and have you food prepped and you get to work and someone has brought in the donuts, what are you going to do? Cave? You might. Is it the end of the world? No. Did it get you any closer to your goals? NO!!! The donuts will be there forever. The french fries will be there forever. The cupcakes will be there forever.... get it?

There will be times when people, without foul intent cause you to want to feel awkward for sticking to your plans. Most of those people are just a bit uncomfortable because they know the strength it takes for you to stay the course and not give into temptation and are wishing they had the same. So STAY your course because your example is all someone else out there needs to finally change their direction as well.

This is YOUR life and it is up to YOU to make it the best it can be. Your are worth the sacrifices it will take. Extraordinary results take more than ordinary effort and determination. Why? Because almost everyone else out there is practicing ordinary ..... YOU are NOT ordinary! YOU are EXTRAORDINARY!!!